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Eyüp Sultan Camisi Ve Avlusu

Court of the Mosque Of Eyoub-Cour De La Mosquee D'Eyoub-Der Hof Der Moschee Zu Eyoub

Printing Date of  Antique Print:


Antique Print Type:

Steel Engraving-Hand Colored

Çelik Baskı-Elle Boyama

Artist (Painter):

William Henry Bartlett (1809-1854)

Created by (Engraver):

James Carter (1798-1855)

Published Book-Printing House:

The Beauties Of The Bosphorus (London Published For Proprietors By Geo. Virtue 26 Ivy Lane, 1840)

Eyüp Sultan Camisi Ve Avlusu

Antique Print Original Name: 

Court of the Mosque Of Eyoub-Cour De La Mosquee D'Eyoub-Der Hof Der Moschee Zu Eyoub


Eyüp Sultan Camisi Ve Avlusu ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1840 ; Ülke ; Şehir ; Türkiye ; Türk ; İstanbul ; Oryantal ; Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ; Mimari ; Cami ; Din ; Çeşme ; Şadırvan ; Günlük Hayat ; Geleneksel Kostüm

Court of the Mosque Of Eyoub ; Antique Print ; 19.Century ; 1840 ; Country ; City ; Turkey ; Turkish ; Constantinople ; Istanbul ; Oriental ; Ottoman Empire ; Mosque ; Architecture ; Religion ; Fountain ; Genre ; Social Life ; Traditional Costume

Information About the Original:


Eyüp semtinde Haliç kıyısında bulunan Eyüp cami, Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafından 1458 yılında yaptırılmıştır. Emeviler'in 7. yüzyılda Konstantiniye'ye (İstanbul) düzenlediği başarısız seferde sancaktarlık yapan ve İstanbul surları önünde şehit düşen Ebu Eyyûb el-Ensarî'nin türbesinin burada olmasından dolayı camiye Eyüp Sultan ismi verilmiştir.

Eyüp mosque, located on the shore of the Golden Horn in Eyüp district, was built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1458. The mosque was named Eyup Sultan because of the tomb of Ebu Eyyub el-Ansari, who was a bannerbearer and martyred in front of the walls of Istanbul during the failed campaign of the Umayyads to Constantinople (Istanbul) in the 7th century.

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