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Barfreston Kilisesi, Kent

Barfriston Church, Kent

Printing Date of  Antique Print:


Antique Print Type:


Asit Yedirme

Artist (Painter):

George Sidney Shepherd (1784-1862)

Created by (Engraver):

John Rogers (1808-1888)

Published Book-Printing House:

Virtue's Picturesque Beauties Of Great Britain in a Series of Views, Kent (London 1829 By Geo. Virtue 26 ivy Lane)

Barfreston Kilisesi, Kent

Antique Print Original Name: 

Barfriston Church, Kent


Barfreston Kilisesi, Kent ; Gravür ; 19.Yüzyıl ; 1829 ; Ülke ; İngiltere ; Mimari ; Kilise

Barfriston Church, Kent ; Antique Print ; 19.Century ; 1829 ; Country ; England ; Architecture ; Barfreston Church

Information About the Original:


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